Dictionary of Electrical Engineering

Commonly used terms in the Electrical industry.

bell insulator
a type of strain insulator, shaped like saucer with ribs on its lower side and frequently used in insulator strings.
a device designed to separate and prevent the flow of current between conductors. Properties of the dielectric (insulating) material and geometry of the insulator determine maximum voltage and temperature ratings.
insulator string
a chain of two or more strain insulators that are coupled together to increase the total insulation level of the assembly.
metal-insulator-metal (MIM)
capacitor a capacitor, which has a thin insulator layer between two metal electrodes. Generally, this capacitor is fabricated in semiconductor process, and this insulator layer provides high capacitance. Two extreme behaviors of a capacitor are that it will act as an open circuit to low frequencies or DC (zero frequency), and as a short frequency at a sufficiently high frequency (how high is determined by the capacitor value).
See thin film capacitor
pin insulator
an electric insulator which is concentric with a hollow, threaded hole so that it can be screwed onto a steel pin mounted on a utility pole or crossarm.
post insulator
an electrical insulator which is supported by its firmly-bolted base, either in an upright position or cantilevered out horizontally from a utility tower.
station insulator
refers to a large-sized insulator used in substations.
strain insulator
an insulator which forms an insulated tensile link between two conductors in overhead line work.