Dictionary of Electrical Engineering

Commonly used terms in the Electrical industry.

bus differential relay
a differential relay specifically designed to protect high power buses with multiple inputs.
differential relay
a differential relay is a protective relay that measures current going into a device from all sources by means of a network of paralleled current transformers. Ideally, the operational current is zero for normal conditions, and rises to a high value (proportional to fault current) when a fault comes on inside the differential zone.

Differential relays are commonly applied in bus protection, transformer protection, generator protection, and large motor protection.
generator differential relay
a generator differential relay is a differential relay specifically designed for protection of electric power generators. Variations include allowances for split-phase winding machines.
transformer differential relay
a differential relay specifically designed to protect transformers. In particular, transformer differential relays must deal with current transformer turns ratio error and transformer inrush and excitation current.